Entries by woetmrc

In the digital world, CIOs need to lead IT as a profit engine not a cost center

In the July IDG survey, 53% of CIO respondents said that their top digital business objective was to “maintain overall revenue, given market shifts.” 53% also sited the need to “drive new revenue” up from 48% in 2018. CEOs and Boards are increasingly looking to digital technology as the primary source of new business growth and profitability.

In the digital world, sustainable competitive advantage is defined by long-term power not short-term performance

As I said in my previous blog, (link to August blog) the big “aha moment” for C-Suite leaders occurs when they realize that while power generates performance, performance consumes power. This means that if the company continues to overweight investments in current businesses to deliver short-term performance, it will eventually liquidate the company’s long-term power to grow.