In the digital world, it’s all about employee adoption & utilization

Numerous studies have documented that the vast majority of AI projects over the past several years have failed to achieve their desired outcomes. Much of that failure has been the result of a large percentage of companies who have not been successful in getting their employees to adopt and utilize it.

In the digital world, the scarce commodity is attention

Attention is one of the scarcest and most valuable resources in the 24/7 connected digital world. Individual employees have unlimited access to a wealth of information both personal and business related anytime, anywhere, on any device. The challenge is that these individuals only have limited time and a limited attention span to consume, process, and focus this wealth of information in service to the successful performance of your company. 

In the digital world, your company narrative is a critical success factor

In today’s digital world of 24/7 internet access, all your key stakeholders (customers, employees, supply chain partners and others) are constantly impacted by how other people talk about your company’s products and services and how well they meet your customers’ expectations.

In the digital world, Success is about distinguishing between leadership & management

Almost every C-level executive I speak with tells me they are so busy running their business that they have no time to think about the best ways to grow their business. In KPMG’s Global CEO Outlook survey of 400 CEOs, 85% “admit vulnerability about the amount of time they have to spend strategizing about the forces of disruption and innovation.”

In the digital world, FOMO is not an AI strategy

A recent Salesforce State of Data and Analytics report documented that 77% of business leaders fear they are already missing out on the benefits of AI and the percentage climbs to 88% for marketing leaders.

In the digital world, it’s time to take how you spend your time seriously

A recent study from Microsoft examined the activities of millions of workers who use the company’s business applications. The data is part of their annual study of workplace-productivity trends which measure how people actually spend their workdays.

In the digital world, decision making clarity is a mission critical success factor

The frequency and pace of change from digital disruption necessitates that companies can no longer rely on traditional planning and decision-making models. Simply put, they are too slow, too rigid, and too process driven to adapt to the new speed of business.

In the digital world, success is about being willing to explore what you don’t know

Disruptive change not only increases stress, uncertainty, and risk but it also enables individuals to retreat to what they know rather than explore what they don’t know. This is not only a death knell to successful new innovations, but it also undermines building a culture of creativity and collaboration.

In the digital world, finding the right answers is about asking the right questions

How good is your company at asking the right questions before looking for the right answers? In his book, The Book of Beautiful Questions, author Warren Burger makes his case for the power and value of good questions. “Having strong questioning skills has always been important. But in a time of exponential change, it’s a twenty-first century survival skill.” The speed and diversity of disruptive digital technologies has proven…

In the digital world, most digital transformations are failing to reach their desired outcomes

Are your digital transformation projects stuck in neutral? In a 2022 McKinsey Global Survey of 2,190 companies in pursuit of transforming their businesses, two thirds said they were “just treading water, taking no decisive action, and consequently achieving little or no success.”