In the digital world, it’s all about employee adoption & utilization

Numerous studies have documented that the vast majority of AI projects over the past several years have failed to achieve their desired outcomes. Much of that failure has been the result of a large percentage of companies who have not been successful in getting their employees to adopt and utilize it.

In the digital world, the scarce commodity is attention

Attention is one of the scarcest and most valuable resources in the 24/7 connected digital world. Individual employees have unlimited access to a wealth of information both personal and business related anytime, anywhere, on any device. The challenge is that these individuals only have limited time and a limited attention span to consume, process, and focus this wealth of information in service to the successful performance of your company. 

In the digital world, you can’t win the war for customers if you can’t win the war for talent

The Digital Skills Gap: Is your talent keeping up with you technology? One of the biggest challenges leaders face from unprecedented waves of new digital technology disruption is to accurately assess what are the new and ever-changing skills and capabilities their companies need to successfully compete as a digital enterprise.

In the digital world, fully engaged employees are a competitive imperative

Is your employee value proposition as compelling as your customer value proposition? Most companies can tell you the approximate lifetime value of their core customers. They have long utilized the Net Promoter Score (NPS) and other customer experience/satisfaction measurement tools to track how well they are delivering their customer value proposition.

In the digital world, success requires new skills sets and capabilities

Companies are reminded on a daily basis of the necessity to adopt and deploy new digital technologies in order to maintain or enhance their competitive viability. Of less focus is the necessity to identify and develop the “next generation of skills and capabilities” needed to successfully leverage those new technologies.

In the digital world, being remote is increasing employee productivity

When the coronavirus pandemic forced most office employees to work remotely, managers were convinced that productivity would collapse. They thought the multiple…

In the digital world, if your employees aren’t happy, your customers aren’t happy

There are numerous studies that track and document how engaged and happy employees are across multiple companies and multiple industries. Here are a few that got my attention…

In the digital world, winning the war for talent is an existential imperative

Failure to attract and retain top talent was the number-one issue in the Conference Board’s 2016 survey of global CEOs ahead of economic growth and competitive intensity.
A McKinsey Global Institute study found that employers in Europe and North America will require…

In the digital world, time well spent is the scarce commodity

Talk to anyone working today whether in a startup or a well-established Fortune 500 company, and they will tell you the same thing – “I’m working so hard but there aren’t enough hours in the day for me to do my job.” It’s not just that they are spending more hours working, but it’s also that…

In the digital world, knowing is as important as doing

Almost every C-level executive I speak with tells me they are so busy doing their business that they have no time to think about their business. Whether it’s the back-to-back to back meeting calendars or the explosion of digital communication tools from e-mail to texting to Twitter, executives at all levels are completely overwhelmed by the demands on their time and their schedules.