In the digital world, success is defined by a new set of metrics

As the old adage says, what gets measured gets done. So, if you are measuring the wrong things then the wrong things are getting done. Less than 30% of companies have a process in place to measure the return on investment of their digital technology projects.

In the digital world, it’s critical to distinguish between leadership & management

Is your management agenda holding your leadership agenda hostage? Almost every C-level executive I speak with tells me they are so busy running their business that they have no time to think about the best ways to grow their business.

In the digital world, vocabulary is just as important as technology

How well are you telling the technology business value story in your company today? Even though we are well into the second decade of digital disruption, it’s alarming to see how many companies still struggle to tell a compelling story of how technology delivers increased competitive performance and business value. The number of companies that still cling to the legacy mindset…

In the digital world, intention creates sustainable business growth momentum

Is lack of a clear statement of intent slowing your business growth momentum? As companies of all sizes across all industries seek to successfully compete as digital enterprises, there is solid evidence of what separates success from failure. It turns out that the early leaders in the age of digital disruption share one thing in common…

In the digital world, catching the next wave is a strategic necessity

Why is it so hard for well-established companies to catch the next wave? In earlier blogs, I have suggested that well-established companies could no longer sustain competitive advantage through using their size and market reach as barriers to entry. The unprecedented assault of multiple waves of digital disruption have enabled companies of any size to penetrate some portion of well-established companies’ value chains. Simply put…

In the digital world, fully engaged employees are a competitive imperative

Is your employee value proposition as compelling as your customer value proposition? Most companies can tell you the approximate lifetime value of their core customers. They have long utilized the Net Promoter Score (NPS) and other customer experience/satisfaction measurement tools to track how well they are delivering their customer value proposition.

In the digital world, the status quo no longer exists

How good is your organization at finding “a path to yes” rather than “a path to no?” Disruptive change not only increases stress, uncertainty, and risk but it also enables individuals to retreat to what they know rather than explore what they don’t know.

In the digital world, learn-it-all beats know-it-all

Are you learning faster than your competition? Several years ago, the leaders of the Gates Foundation embarked on a journey to improve their culture. Their goal was “to improve their learning culture, in which people have the humility to know what they don’t know and the curiosity to rethink the way they’ve always done things.”

In the digital world, complexity is the enemy of agility and execution

As companies race to adopt new cloud computing technologies and systems to effectively compete as digital enterprises, they quickly discover that with new systems, applications and processes comes monumental new complexity.

In the digital world, success requires new skills sets and capabilities

Companies are reminded on a daily basis of the necessity to adopt and deploy new digital technologies in order to maintain or enhance their competitive viability. Of less focus is the necessity to identify and develop the “next generation of skills and capabilities” needed to successfully leverage those new technologies.