Entries by wildoakonestepahead

The Role of IT in Big Data & Analytics: Myths, Realities & Practicalities

By: Peter D. Moore President Wild Oak Enterprises, LLC There has long been a challenging relationship between IT and its key internal line of business partners and other key stakeholders. Everywhere you look today someone is trying to undermine the CIO and the role and value of corporate IT: Shadow IT, technology purchases that bypass […]

Building a New Digital Business Model is Not a Functional Expertise Problem It’s a Collaboration Problem

Everywhere you look today someone is trying to harpoon the CIO and the role and value of corporate IT: A recent Forrester study showed that by 2015 for the first time in history IT departments will lead only a minority of IT projects. Pundits galore are pontificating on the need to replace the CIO with […]

The Role and Value of an Outside Facilitator in Helping Well-Established Companies Successfully Deal with Disruptive Innovations

As I have discussed in earlier blogs, the Evolution of Enterprise IT from Systems of Record to Systems of Engagement is the kind of transformative shift (disruptive innovation) that has already started to rearrange the competitive hierarchy across multiple industries from advertising to financial services to health care to retail. In fact, from my vantage […]

Leadership Development is an Oxymoron

Short term performance vs. long term power As I’ve written in earlier blogs, the single biggest challenge facing CEOs and other C-Suite leaders in well-established companies is how to find the right balance between funding the businesses they have versus making significant enough investments in next generation businesses so they can deliver material revenues and […]

Crossing the Chasm in the Belly of a Whale: How Well-established Companies Can Adopt New Rituals to Successfully Launch New Businesses

A Little History: In 1991, my brother Geoffrey wrote his first book called Crossing the Chasm which provided a framework along with models and tools to help technology startups successfully launch and scale new products and services into the high tech market. Twenty two years later, it is still the bible for most startups in […]

The Evolution of Enterprise IT

Why it’s Critical for Companies to Achieve “Technology Leadership Competency” A Wide Gap between Expectation and Performance: Over the past two years, The Harvard Business Review and The Economist have been conducting primary research to better understand the changing role of the CIO and IT Department. Some of the key findings from their research suggest […]

How Systems of Engagement Will Change the Role of Big Data From a Validation Tool to a Discovery Tool

Many companies today have already jumped on the “Big Data Bandwagon” and have allocated substantial budgets and multiple teams to figure out how they can better utilize the data they have to improve their customer relationships and increase their competitive advantage in the markets they serve. At the heart of these efforts, is the utilization […]

Leveraging Offer Power: Who Says You Can’t Differentiate and Neutralize at the Same Time?

In my brother Geoffrey Moore’s new book, Escape Velocity – Free Your Company’s Future From The Pull Of The Past, he lays out a very compelling framework on how companies can significantly increase the ROI on their innovation investments. This framework presents three different ways a company can generate meaningful returns as illustrated in the […]